Die lange Allee ist die Hauptzufahrt auf das Stiftungsgelände. Sie führt bis zum Schloss Louisenlund.

New paths open up new horizons - opting for boarding school life

Moving to a boarding school is one of life's important and not entirely easy decisions. Every change in life situation always involves moving away from the familiar, from close relationships or from cherished habits and places. This can cause some unease about the new, the unknown. For all pupils at the boarding school in Louisenlund, this change was a personal challenge that they successfully mastered. Many of them now say with conviction: "I have gained much more than I have given up."

The Louisenlund boarding school offers:

  • authentic encounters with committed people.
  • Self-determination and taking responsibility for your own educational journey.
  • Personal mentors who continuously harmonize developments and goals.
  • Acceptance and appreciation for oneself and others.
  • A positive environment in which thoughts and feelings can be expressed without fear of judgment.
  • social integration and a deep connection to the community.
  • Friendships and a good dose of fun as a driving force for development.