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Which languages are taught at Louisenlund?

Louisenlund is an international educational campus where numerous languages are spoken and where around 20 different nationalities come together. In order to do justice to the students, we offer the following languages in lessons or as a "self-taught" option:



German as a second language

English as a second language

French as a second language


Spanish (self-taught)

Chinese (self-taught)

Russian (self-taught)

What is the role of a mentor?

Mentors are persons of trust for students and reliable contacts for the student, but also for subject teachers, houseparents and parents. They have an individual view of the mentee with a focus on academic development and also keep an eye on the student's holistic development.

What does Kurt Hahn's reform pedagogical approach stand for?

The educational ideal of the pedagogue and politician Kurt Hahn was the energetic, humanitarian-minded person who proves himself as a citizen and takes on charitable tasks out of social responsibility. With our approach of first taking responsibility for oneself and then for others, we still take his ideals into account today.

What happens if I don't pass the IB Diploma?

If the result is not satisfactory because the IB Diploma objective was not achieved or the grades do not reflect the real potential, the student should register for meaningful "retakes" in the form of repeat examinations.

In total, each IB graduate is allowed to take the final exams two more times. This does not mean that the student has to retake all six subjects, but can specialize in individual subjects.

The American High School Diploma from the New England Association of Schools and Colleges is still awarded even if the IB Diploma is not passed.

What are the vacation times in Louisenlund?

In principle, we follow the vacation periods in Schleswig-Holstein. Exceptions are the additional spring vacations.

The vacation times can be found in our school calendar. You can find it here.

Can I also study at German universities with the IB Diploma?

Yes, in principle, the IB Diploma entitles you to study at German universities. This requires that certain courses have been taken. Louisenlund advises students accordingly and guarantees that all necessary courses are offered and can be taken.

What is the maximum class size?

Our school classes usually have a maximum class size of 18 pupils.

Is Louisenlund a G8 or G9 grammar school?

Louisenlund is a G9 grammar school, i.e. it leads from Year 5 to the Abitur in 9 school years, which is taken in Year 13/Q2.

Who can apply for scholarships?

In principle, only pupils who wish to attend Louisenlund Grammar School from Year 5 onwards can apply for scholarships. The partial scholarship is then valid for the entire school period.

Is the Lund Shuttle free of charge?

The Lund Shuttle for pupils from the region is booked for one school year at an annual price.

What exactly is the function of the house parents?

House parents look after the children at all times outside of lessons. They live in the same building as the pupils and ensure that the pupils' daily routine is adhered to. They are also in constant contact with teachers and mentors to ensure that the children receive the best possible care and support.

Can I also apply for the plus-MINT talent development program if I am in the 9th grade?

The plus-MINT talent development program is basically a four-year talent program and begins in grade 10. To participate, an application must be submitted to the association www.plus-mint.de, which carries out a selection process. The application deadline is usually January 31 before the start of the school year, i.e. the application phase takes place in the 9th grade.

In special cases, admission can also be granted at the start of year 11/E year. Applications for this are also submitted via the plus-MINT association.

It is possible for STEM talents to transfer to Louisenlund before the start of year 10 in order to take advantage of the excellent scientific facilities and training. These talented students then also apply for a place in the plus-MINT program during year 9 via the plus-MINT association. The same selection criteria apply to these pupils as to all other applicants. The price regulations at the grammar school apply to these early school transfers.